How to reach a wider audience on the internet?

Do you think digital marketing is complex, you are not alone.

An intro to a more comprehensive marketing series. Reading a short text about digital marketing and then believing that you understand the challenges of marketing is a utopia, but it can be a start. When it comes to digital marketing, it takes a lot of work to succeed, because almost everyone tries, but far from everyone succeeds.

The customer group

Before we start with online marketing, it is important to discuss which customer group we want to reach, and in what role we want to reach the customer group.

We can expose messages to customers in several ways, developing a vibrant strategy makes it easier to achieve the goals. The first strategy is not always complete, it often needs to be adjusted to meet the right group of people .

Some examples of decisions that need to be made before starting work:

To keep in mind in the strategy is that there are two main groups of digital marketing. To explain these, we use Google and Facebook, which are two different types of marketing. Google is based on the customer searching for something in Google and then we want to come up as one of the possible results if it is a relevant search for us. That is, the customer is actively looking for something, and has often come a long way in their decision-making process, the customer is interested in the topic / product / etc.

Facebook (one of several) is oriented in the other direction, you want to influence the customer through their message so that it will be interested. The customer has usually not gotten anywhere in their decision-making process in Facebook marketing, it then needs to be more inward-looking in creating a need for the customer for your product / Service.

What is the product we want to market or should we market our website to increase traffic? Who is the customer? When does the customer use this product? Is it a professional product, or a product used privately, is it a DIY (Do It Yourself) product? What is the value for the customer with our product / service? How could the product / service improve the customer group’s life? How could you describe this in a simple and clear way, 1 to 2 sentences?

Once we have decided on the above questions with supplementary questions, it is possible to start thinking about the next step, which channel or channels we should use to reach the customer group.

Professional customer group

If we see that the product is strictly professional, Linkedin and Google will probably be two main channels, perhaps with a supplement of Youtube.

You can then add customer groups with the same leisure interest and then Facebook can also be interesting, ie if a larger proportion of those with the current leisure interest have a professional interest.

Private customer group

If we focus on social media, interest, geography and demography are important aspects, but something that is above all important is images and their quality and attraction. The user usually looks first at the image then at the text, so it is an important combination where the image is often number 1 from a customer group perspective.

Google, Bing customer group

When we use google, the keywords are incredibly important, unfortunately no work is always done on which keywords the customer group searches for, and then the number search is low.

By using keyword planner, you can get real statistics on number searches for different words, such as words that are rarely searched for, the visitor volume will be low, as quite simply very few search for those words.

An example to show how important word choice is, if we search for the word haircut, we get up to 1,000-10,000 searches / month in Sweden. While if we are looking for a hairdresser, 10,000-1,000 searches / month. But if we search for barbers, we get searches of 1000-10000 searches / month.

In other words, combining different words on the website can increase the number of visitors dramatically. But they will not find you without you doing the work of updating your website with the right words to reach your customer group.


Facebook is an opportunity that can be worked with to get a good result, but you should be prepared that it can take a few turns before you find your marketing, it is for example easy to take a too broad group that may not be interested in your product / service, it will then cost more than it tastes, but by working with an analyzer of the results, it is often possible to streamline marketing. An example: An ice cream kiosk that is child-friendly in its design opens and markets this properly, so as not to miss anyone, the advertiser does not put any interest in the target group, now it will go out on a broad front to everyone in the area, while older and singles are a bit worse at buying ice cream, then the budget is spent on everyone in the customer group, while if the Facebook ad was aimed at families with children, 

There may be a democracy in the whole also that it may be mainly men or women who buy ice cream for the family, then it can be an aspect to add to the ad to spice it up a bit for the customer group who really buys your product.

By evaluating your ads, it is possible to create effective ads, but it needs to work with ads and outcomes. It can be so simple that whoever is in the ice cream kiosk for a rough statistics of customers. The worker sees that the large customer group are mothers with prams, shopping in the morning, while on the weekend it is Dads who buy ice cream for the whole family.

Then there is a pattern to build your campaign on an ad on weekdays for moms, as well as an ad that targets dads on the weekend

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